Redebeitrag von No Lager auf der Demo gegen Abschiebeknäste in Paderborn am 30.08.14

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Thank you very much to for the invitation to the Demonstration against Deportation-Prisons in Germany, especially in Büren!
We are from the NoLagerGroup in Osnabrück and we are a mixed group of Refugees and supporters and we fight against deportations. We want to tell a little bit of what went on in Osnabrück in the last months and express our solidarity to the Refugees who were in the Deportation Prison in Büren and were brought to Berlin in an inhuman way!!!
Since the big Lager near Osnabrück was changed into Erstaufnahmestelle in January 2014, slowly more and more of us came to live in Osnabrück. Just arrived, after a few months, we already got Dublin-Deportation-Letters. We started to think of what we could do against the Deportations and got to know some groups that fight for more rights for refugees. Together with the people from the NoLagerGroup we had the plan to block the door of the Refugee Wohnheim with a lot of people so that the police cannot deport the Refugees. So, in the night of 11th of March we peacefully blocked the door of our home with 60 people for the first time. When the people form the Ausländerbehörde came they told us that they won’t deport the Refugee at this moment, but that from now on he can be caught by the police at anytime and be put into prison. In the end there wasn’t an arrest warrent. But they achieved to frighten us.
Then we organized two big demonstrations with a lot of other groups to show about our situation. Until now, there were 12 other deportations that we could prevent successfully by blocking the door of our home. It was amazing that more and more people, also from the neighbourhood, joined us!
The initiative from the Stadtteilbüro then started to make a telephone list so that we could contact the others easily. Now the Telefone-list consists of 150 people.
Because we could prevent the deportations now 6 of us passed the Dublin-Tansfer-Deadline and their cases got started in Germany.
This made us very happy and we are also happy that you invited us to Paderborn that we can fight all together against deportations, deportation-prisons and for Freedom of movement!!!
Hum sab sath sath hain! Wir gehoeren zusammen!
We are here and we will fight,
freedom of Movement is everybody’s right!