Vortrag: All guns aiming at me

Ebenfalls am Donnerstag findet im Rahmen der IMK-Proteste ein Vortrag eines Aktivisten der Karawane und der German Sudanese Association for Development statt. Der Vortrag ist auf Englisch, bei Bedarf wird es eine Übersetzung ins deutsche geben.

“Ambush in the night: all guns aiming at me”, is a name of a song for Bob Marley, a Reggae Jamaican figure. I borrowed the title to identify my (nightmare) which I experienced in Germany.

According to the international and German law, man can ask for asylum & protection in Germany in case of human rights violation in his/her original country.
I am a Sudanese refugee in Germany since 2010, from my experience, there is a very radical shift in the refugees issue from the humanitarian and legal space, into the political corridors.

The authorities in Germany use the law as an instrument or tool to violate human rights of refugees and new comers, to make their lives so difficult, because they want to stop the flow of migrants towards Germany.

Series of laws had been issued and approved on the base of protection of the German nation from the new comers, and as a result: migrants’ human right (s) had been violated.
What are these rights? How they are violated, and why? Is it political or legal? What is the result? What is role of Innenministerium in this game? What are lessons learned about (Law as a tool) in Germany? Generally, what is the main challenge facing (Law and human rights)?

Ort: Substanz, Frankenstr. 25a
Zeit: 19:00 Uhr
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