Redebeitrag zum Tag gegen Gewalt an Frauen und Queers

Since the outbreak of the war in Sudan on April 15, 2023, Sudanese women have been subjected to systematic and brutal gender -based violence at the hands of the Rapid Support Militia and the Sudanese Armed forces , where rape is used as a weapon of war to break the will of women and subjugate society. The crime of war rape, however, is not commiIed alone; rather, it is accompanied by other crimes that include murder, slavery, trafficking for sexual exploitation, torture, imprisonment, starvation, forced marriage, kidnapping, detention for ransom, unwanted pregnancies, and serious insult as well as recruitment of children by armed groups to actively participate in hostilities, including from a neighbouring country, which exacerbates the amount of violence and pain inflicted on women and society as a whole. This crime expands geographically and increases in frequency, which confirms that it is not indiscriminate incidents or „individual disappearances“ as the militia claims, but rather a deliberate strategy aimed at weakening society and facilitating control over its resources through displacement and dismantling elements of its continuity.

All this is happening and the Sudanese people are absent from self-determination and are under the weight of a shortage of information, obscurity, misinformation and post-truth policy, without an honest and fair political narrative that promotes the truth and centrality of the people, and without strong and wise political positions and actions based on the depth of the public interest of the people.

The use of sexual violence in this war can be considered an extension of a history of war violations, starting from the southern (South Sudan) war to Darfur in 2003. The impact of what happened in Darfur is still straight torward. Today we find a suprade political elite completely separate from the Sudanese people, lacking independence from regional and international forces and lacks principles, political will and political action, and its vision and activity is limited to the solication and beggance of the international community.

The Rapid Support Militia emerged as the product of this reality, created and enlarged as a result of the overlaps and contradictions of internal and regional parasitic interests. While the internal parasite parties sought to ensure their existence through absolute control, regional parasite interests – led by the UAE – found the Rapid Support Militia as a tool to impose their influence on Sudan and dominate its resources. Rapid support today represents a deep-rooted threat to social peace and to the sovereignty of the Sudanese people over their land and resources. This requires a firm and comprehensive confrontation at all levels to end its existence. Likewise, the blatant Emirati intervention and the colonial approach of this country constitute a clear threat to the peace, security and sovereignty of the Sudanese over their land and resources, which imposes confrontation with strength and determination.

It very important to understand that this war is not a civilian war but a war against the civilian and the revolution. A war that is supported by the United Arab Emirate, Russia and others by the rapid support forces side and the EU as supporting them for controlling the migration at what called Khartoum process. On the other side the Sudanese armed forces are supported by the KSA, Egypt, Iran and Ethiopia.

So we call for all the parties in this war to stop it now. All foreign states and corporations should immediately stop supporting, doing business with and cooperating with the militias and the military in Sudan.

Kurz möchten wir auch noch auf die SituaDon von FLINTA* und Queers auf der Flucht aufmerksam machen.

Weltweit befinden sich 120 Millionen Menschen auf der Flucht, die Hälfe davon sind Frauen und Kinder, sie werden seltener gesehen, da das NarraDv vom männlichen Flüchtling vorherrscht. Schätzungen zufolge sind verorten sich etwa 10 Millionen von den 120 Millionen als queer, wobei kein Unterschied zwischen sexueller Queerness oder Genderqueernes gemacht wird.

Die besondere Unterdrückung von Frauen und queeren Menschen beginnt schon in den Herkunfsländern. In vielen Bürgerkriegen gehören systemaDsche VergewalDgungen von Frauen und Mädchen zur erklärten Kriegsstrategie. Queere Menschen, ob nun von der heterosexuellen Norm oder der binären Gendernorm abweichend haben es auch überall auf dieser Welt schwer. Dabei reichen Misshandlungen von sozialem Ausschluss bishin zu Mord und natürlich auch staatlicher Verfolgung.

Die Flucht ansich ist für eigentlich alle Frauen und Queers von Misshandlungen und Diskriminierung geprägt. Überall müssen sie damit rechnen, besonders wenn sie alleine unterwegs sind. Und auch in den Ländern in denen Menschen Schutz suchen sehen sie sich nicht nur vor rassisDschen Policies gegenübergestellt, sondern nachwievor auch einer Ungleichbehandlung.

Hier gibt es natürlich noch weitaus mehr zu sagen! WichDg bleibt aber, dass wir mit all unseren Geschwistern, ganz egal wo sie sich befinden solidarisch zeigen und diese solidarität prakDsch umsetzen, zum Beispiel auch indem wir Wohnraum zur Verfügung stellen.

We have the power! We have the might! This world is ours! Take back the night!